Five-Week Hip-Hop and Go-Go Dance Camp with Positive Energy Arts and Beat Ya Feet Academy

In partnership with Martin Library of York County Libraries, Positive Energy Arts Foundation will be offering a 5 week dance camp taught by Beat Ya Feet Dance Academy based in Washington D.C. Students will be introduced to the history and basic elements of hip-hop and Go-Go. The five week Summer Dance Camp will culminate in a performance for student’s family and friends.

Camp is open to kids ages 9 and up and will be offered from 2pm to 4pm on Monday through Friday for 5 consecutive weeks, from June 20th through July 22nd.

This camp is FREE but campers are asked to commit to the full 5 weeks. If there are days that you will be absent, please email

Location: Keystone Kidspace
10 East Hamilton Avenue
York , PA 17401

Date: June 20, 2022, 2 p.m. - June 20, 2022, 4 p.m.