Join us for introductory hand drumming lessons at Keystone Kidspace! Over the course of 4 weeks with experienced instructor Max Halterman, kids will learn hand drumming on buckets with rhythm lids. Students will learn to keep a steady beat, to read rhythms with 8th's and 1/4's, and about time signature and counting. They will listen and play together and even begin improvising and composing simple patterns.
Series is open to students ages 6+ and no prior experience is required. Classes will be offered on Saturday mornings from 9:15-10am on the following dates: May 14, May 21, May 28 and June 4.
Students will be permitted to explore Keystone Kidspace during our open drop-in hours at the conclusion of each class, but must be accompanied by a responsible adult with a day pass or a membership.
Are you interested in electronics and learning how to solder? You can learn basic electronic parts identification, circuit board design and soldering skills as you build you own electronic kit.
This class is suggested for ages 12+. Participants will be given a choice of kits to construct.
Note: We will be using soldering irons and small electronic components - a small class size will allow close instructor supervision.
Electronic kits are included and may be taken home after the class.