Spark your Curiosity (Hall).
Adventure awaits in Curiosity Hall. We’ve designated this space to house all of our new projects, exhibits and pop up activities and events. Here you will find the Digital Lab with new and old tech for you to tinker with and explore, from coding and circuits to music and fiber arts. Ignite your curiosity and develop your craftsmanship through self-exploration or planned programming.

Test your theories in our Kitchen Lab.
Does your kid love the Food Network? Are they making a mess in your kitchen? Sign them up for cooking classes in our Kitchen Lab. We will also offer first come, first served science and culinary pop-ups and demonstrations where your child can build new skills and test their theories with experts.

Unleash your creativity at the WonderBar.
Grab a seat and get creative at the WonderBar - a primarily self-service experience at Keystone Kidspace. There you may find logic puzzles, writing challenges and other daily activities. We welcome all to get crafty with any materials that are out for use - you’ll never know what you’ll find at the WonderBar.

Unforgettable (and yes, messy!) fun in the Mess Hall.
Our Mess Hall is where kids can get down and dirty to their heart’s content building their own creative masterpieces. Kids will get to work with real tools and scrap materials under the supervision of our staff and volunteers. And when they just need to move their bodies they can blow off steam by cruising our modular pumptrack or spinning on our dizzy-making merry-go-rounds.